Roytrin Money Market Fund

Roytrin Money Market Fund


Roytrin Money Market Fund

The Roytrin Money Market Fund is an open-ended mutual fund that specifically targets investors seeking to invest in short-term securities which offer high liquidity and a competitive rate of return.

The objective of the Fund is to provide current income and liquidity, while seeking to preserve capital, by investing in a range of high quality short-term debt securities with tenors of no more than one year.

Among the Fund's strong points:

  • Investment objective is to preserve capital
  • Daily distribution of income
  • Available in TT and US dollars
  • Professional asset management capability
  • RBC Royal Bank’s experience and stability

This fund may be suitable for you if:

  • You are seeking current income
  • You are looking for a liquid short-term investment
  • You have a Low tolerance for risk.

Minimum Subsequent
Class A “TT Dollar Series” TT$100,000 TT$10,000
Class B “US Dollar Series” US$10,000 US$1,000

How is the Fund Invested?

The Fund invests in a broad selection of assets which include:

  • Treasury bills issued by sovereigns
  • Money market instruments
  • Deposits with financial institutions
  • Short-term corporate debt obligations
  • Money Market mutual funds listed on any recognized stock exchange
  • Other short-term debt instruments

Click here to view Prospectus

Note: The prospectus is a concise outline of relevant information about the Fund which an investor should know before making a decision to purchase the Units. It contains information about the Roytrin Money Market Fund, as well as the names of the persons responsible for its organization and management. You are encouraged to read the prospectus in its entirety prior to making any investment decision.