Testing Files on RBC Express and Data Transmission

To successfully implement the ACH Direct Payments or Deposits Service requires submitting test data. The initial test file should contain more than 10 transactions. If you wish to test receiving a datafile containing returned and/or reversal items please ensure your test file has a minimum of 50 transactions. The maximum number of items reported on a test datafile for all records (valid, invalid, rejected, returns and reversals) is 50.

The system will validate file layout, bank, transit and account formatting for Canadian banks. Account numbers and owners of those accounts cannot be validated. It is your responsibility to ensure that the banking information and the name on the account are accurate.

The system does not validate U.S. account numbers. Please ensure that you obtain accurate information from your customers or use the optional pre-notification process prior to submitting the first payment for customers located in the U.S.

When testing is successfully completed, a production schedule (optional) can be prepared at your request and you can start processing payments.

Preparing and Sending a Test File

When creating a test file, the File Creation Number is “TEST” to ensure that it is not submitted into production for processing.

To send a test RBC Express ACH Direct Payments & Deposits file:

  1. Go to “Payment File – Create Regular” or “Create Contract”
  2. Click “Test” under the “Environment” field
  3. Verify totals, submit for approval and release

To send a test Data Transmission file:

  1. Follow the file format and media specifications provided by the Cash Management Client Support Centre
  2. Prepare a test sample of your input file
  3. Transmit your file using your designated method of transmission

Verifying Test Reports

To ensure that your test has been successful, please download your test reports either from RBC Express or your designated communication method. Any discrepancies should be reported to the Cash Management Client Support Centre. Once testing is successfully completed, you can send your production file immediately for processing. Please note that testing can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks depending on your communication method.

Test Emails

You will receive a test email alert every time there is a change or addition to your email address on your profile or when you open a new ACH Direct Payments or Deposits Service. This ensures that the email notification system is set up correctly. The Cash Management Client Support Centre will contact you if they receive any unsuccessful test email alerts.