Screening Schedule of Foreign Currency Payments


The entire process of sending filtering files, screening payments and confirming payment status takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes.

Screening Schedule

The schedule for screening U.S. payments and Canadian payments classified as foreign will run on business days and on Provincial Canadian Holidays from Monday to Friday. When there is a holiday in the U.S., but a business day in Canada, the same schedule will be followed.

There are no screenings on Saturdays. Payments will be sent for screening based on the Eastern Standard Times indicated below:

  •   1:00 AM
  •   4:30 AM
  •   6:45 AM
  • 10:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM
  •  2:00 PM
  •  2:30 PM
  •  5:00 PM
  •  7:00 PM
  •  9:45 PM

If you make a change to the Due Date of a payment, then it will only be screened again if the new Due Date is more than 2 days in the future.

Screening on Sundays

If the day following a Sunday is a business day or a Provincial Canadian Holiday, we will send only one screening file at 9:45p.m, Sunday.

Payments received before 9:45 p.m. Friday, with a due date of Monday will be sent for screening only once in the first available screening file at the time of receipt. They will not be screened again on Sunday.

Payments received after 9:45p.m. Friday, with a due date of Monday, will be sent for screening only once on Sunday at 9:45p.m.

Canadian Federal Holiday Screenings

If the day following the receipt of a file is a Canadian federal holiday, then we will send only one screening file at 9:45 p.m. on the Canadian federal holiday day proceeding the first business day.

For example:

  • Sunday December 24 – no screening on this day as the following day is Christmas, a Canadian federal holiday
  • Monday December 25 – no screening on this day as the following day is Boxing Day, a Canadian federal holiday
  • Tuesday December 26 – screening will be at 9:45p.m. as the following day is a business day
  • Wednesday December 27 – since this is a business day, screenings will be back to the regular schedule