Balancing Reports

Use reports to check payment transactions for errors. You can then make corrections or prepare new transactions. Your organization should decide how long to keep copies of reports for future reference.

The Client Value Date Totals Report

The Client Value Date Totals Report identifies the total amount of funds to be processed to your Business Account based on the value date of the payments you have processed. This total could include any one of the following payment activities:

  • Payments submitted on files
  • Deleting, changing the due date or amount, and adding payments using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager
  • Mass Deletes, Reversals or Due Date Changes

The File Input Payment Confirmation Report, Payment Activity Report and Mass Request Report

Using your File Input Payment Confirmation Report, Payment Activity Report and Mass Request Report will assist you in reconciling your statements. If you have selected the NSF Representment option, you will also require the Pending Representment Register to balance.

The Client Settlement Totals Report

If you are a Prefunding client, please refer to the Client Settlement Totals Report. This will reflect all transactions processes on that specific day. This would include files processed and any activity you have performed using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager.

The Returned Items Report

To reconcile your returned items, please refer to the Returned Items Report.

If you require assistance in understanding the balancing process, please contact your Cash Management Client Support Centre.