Optional Information Report

Use this report for informational purposes.

This report will list all the details of any optional information your input files contains, such as all addenda or remittance information from payments that have been formatted as an IAT payment or the Electronic Funds Transfer Message Record for payments destined to Canada. This report also identifies the status of the payments if it is a “T” level error payment or an “I” In-Excess payment.

Only the Electronic Funds Transfer Message Record for payments destined to Canada is passed to your customer. However, some banks do not display the electronic message on customer statements. Royal Bank will print this electronic message only on payments destined RBC Business Accounts. This message is printed on their paper statement and is not available for viewing online.


This report is produced at the time your input file is processed.

It can be picked up one day later via online reports or data transmission. Fax service is not available for this report.


Descriptions of headings can be found in Report Heading Descriptions.