Payments Activity Report

Check this report to ensure that your additions, changes, corrections, deletions and reversals were made correctly. Also use this report to reconcile your Client Value Date Totals Report or, for Prefunding clients, your Client Settlement Totals Report.

This report lists all the changes, adds, deletions, or corrections made using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager. This report also includes:

  • Reversals made by RBC Royal Bank on your behalf
  • “T” level error payments dropped by the system after 40 calendar days or due to the cancellation of the service
  • Rejected Payments destined to the United States that had been previously submitted but are no longer valid as a result in a change to your Cross Border designation.
  • For Direct Deposit, payments with a status of “I” dropped by the system after 3 business days (the 3 business count starts from the due date or value date of the payments)
  • Suspended payments that have been screened and are on hold until the investigation is completed. Screening is specific to payments destined to the United States or payments destined to Canada originating from a Foreign Country.

What does not appear in this report

Payments changed due to Mass Change, Mass Reversal or Mass Deletions will not appear on this report.

For ACH Direct Deposit Services, any on-line activity cannot be made on payments that are In-Excess.


This report is produced when an online addition, change, correction, deletion or reversal has been made to any payment. This report will also be produced when a payment has dropped or is suspended or rejected in our system.

This report can be picked up the next day via the online reports or data transmission. Fax service is not available for this report.

Description of Action Codes

The following codes are used to describe actions taken on a transaction:




Added a payment.


Changed a valid payment.


Change on a payment with a status of “I” In-Excess that is now valid.


Represent a payment that initially was processed with an authorized CPA transaction code as valid and that payment becomes an invalid payment if that CPA transaction code is changed to restricted (if Retain Errors selected).


Represent a payment that initially was processed with a restricted CPA code as invalid and that payment becomes valid if that CPA transaction code is authorized (if Retain Errors selected).


Corrected a “T” error payment (if Retain Errors selected).


Deleted a payment, or deleted by system when a service has been deleted.


Deleted a payment with a status of “I” In-Excess or deleted by system when a service has been deleted.


Dropped a payment off the system after 40 days.


Dropped a payment off the system with a status of “I” In-Excess after 3 business days.


Represent a payment that initially was processed with:

a) an authorized CPA transaction code as valid and that payment becomes rejected if that CPA Transaction Code is changed to restricted (if Retain Errors is set to NO).

b) an authorized SEC code as valid and that payment becomes rejected if the SEC was changed to restricted (regardless if Retain Errors is set to YES or NO).

c) an authorized SEC code as valid but that payment was invalid (“T”) due to other errors. If the SEC code is changed to Restricted the payment will be rejected (regardless if Retain Errors is set to YES or NO).


New date has been assigned to a represented payment.


Represented payments have been deleted.


Added a reversed payment.


Deleted a reversed payment.


Rejected Cross Border payment (payment destined to the United States). The status of a Cross Border payment that changed from “Valid” to “Reject”.


A “Suspended” (SUS) payment is a payment destined to the United States or a payment destined to Canada originating from a foreign country that is under investigation and is on hold until the investigation is completed.


A “Suspended Cleared” (SUS CLR) payment is a payment destined to the United States or a payment destined to Canada originating from a foreign country that has been released for processing after a positive investigation.


A “Suspended Deleted” (SUS DEL) payment is a payment destined to the United States or a payment destined to Canada originating from a foreign country that has been deleted after a negative investigation.

Note: For Daily limit clients, there is no financial impact, however the deleted suspended payments will be shown on this report as ”Sus Del”.

For Prefunding clients as the funds are collected at the time of receipt when a suspended payment is deleted, the financial impact will be as follows:

Funds will be credited back to your Prefund control account


2) Funds will be held.

In both cases, it will be reported on this report as “Sus Del”. Refer to “Report Totals” below for more information on reporting.


A “Suspended in Excess“ (SUS EXC) payment is a payment destined to the States or a payment destined to Canada originating from a foreign country that was valid upon receipt and during the time frame between the payment being screened and the result of this process, the payment status has now changed to “In Excess”. The result of the investigation is negative and the status of this payment becomes “Suspended in Excess payment”.

Report Content

Totals for each value date within subsidiary totals are provided at the end of the report. The number total is a count of all the transactions affected on that value date. The impact amount will only include those transactions affected on that value date.

This report provides the following information:

Transactions Deleted

The number of transactions deleted by the individual delete function or by the system when the client profile was deleted and the total amount of impact on the value date.

This number also includes the transactions with a status of “I” (In-Excess) that have been deleted. The impact amount on these transactions is zero as those payments are not included in the Client Value Date Total Report. Payments with the due date and the payment number changed appear on the report as a DEL and ADD. “I” payments where the due date or the payment number have been changed and these payments are now valid, is reflected on the report as a DEL EXC and ADD.

Prefunding clients are refunded since the funding for these payments was already debited to their prefund control account upon receipt of their payments. Funds are made available immediately. The total impact amount will be reflected on your Client Settlement Totals Report.

Transactions Added

The number of transactions added using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager and the total amount of impact on the value date.

Payments with a changed due date and payment number will appear on the report as a DEL and ADD. For “I” payments which become valid because the due date or the payment number changed will be reflected on the report as a DEL EXC and ADD. This is to accurately reflect the change in Value Date for the payment. Payments added online exceeding the daily limit will not be accepted.

For Prefunding clients – payments added online if funds are not available or any other prefunding conditions occur will not be accepted.

Prefunding Conditions that Block Transactions

Transactions Changed

The number of transactions without errors, but that the client changed using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager. It also includes the number of changes made on “I” transactions that have now become valid.

The impact amount of transactions without errors, but had the due date or the amount changed using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager. It also includes the impact amount made on “I” transactions that have now become valid. The changes made on "I" payments will be shown on the reports as CHG EXC.

Any changes to any fields on payments with an “I” status, will not be reported unless they change the status of the transaction to Valid.

Transactions Corrected

The number of transactions that had “T” errors corrected using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager and the impact amount of transactions with “T” errors corrected using RBC Express ACH Payment Manager.

Any corrections made on any fields to payments with “T” level errors, if such “T” level payments exceed the daily limit, the corrections will not be accepted online and therefore will not be reported. The same will apply for Prefunding clients; corrections will not be accepted online if funds are not available or if any other prefunding conditions occur.

Prefunding Conditions that Block Transactions

Transaction Dropped

The number of transactions dropped because they have been held for 40 days with a “T” level error. It also includes the payments In-Excess status dropped after being held for 3 business days. Those will be shown on the report as “DR EXC “.

The impact amount will always be zero since transactions with errors are not included on the Client Value Date Total report or the Client Settlement Totals Report (for Prefunding clients). A total of the items dropped will be reported for information purposes only.

Transactions Reversed

The number of transactions reversed and the total amount of impact on the value date.

Transactions Deleted Reversals

The number of reversed transactions deleted and the total amount of impact on the value date.

Transactions Cleared

The number of transactions destined to the United States and to Canada originating from a foreign country that were suspended and have been released for processing after a positive investigation. Those will be reported as “SUS CLR”.

For daily limit clients, calculations are done on these payments to ensure that your daily limit is not exceeded. If your daily limit is not exceeded, the impact amount will be reflected on the value date of those payments.

If the daily limit is exceeded, the status of those payments will be changed to “In-Excess” and the impact amount will also be reflected on the value date of those payments. We will also report the details and the amount of these payments on your Daily Limit Payment Details Report. The reporting of the impact amounts on those two reports will then offset each other.

Daily Limit- Payment Details Report (ACH Direct Deposits only)

For prefunding clients, the impact amount will be zero as there is no change when suspended payments are cleared since the funding for these payments were already debited to your prefund control account upon receipt of your payments.

Transactions Deleted (Suspended)

The number of transactions destined to the United States and to Canada originating from a foreign country that are “suspended “ and are being deleted after a negative investigation. Those will be reported as “SUS DEL”.

For Daily Limit clients, the total impact amount will be zero as “suspended” payments are not included in the daily limit calculation and are not reflected in the Client Value Date Total report.

For Prefunding clients, the total impact amount will be as follows depending on whether funds will be refunded or not:

a) Funds are refunded. The total impact amount will be reflected when those “suspended” payments are deleted and funds are being refunded. Funds will be made available immediately to your prefund control account. Those will be reported as “SUS DEL”. The impact amount will also be reported on your Client Settlement Totals Report.

b) Funds are being held. The total impact amount will be zero when those “suspended” payments are deleted and the funds are being held.

For Daily Limit or Prefunding clients, deletions of payments with a “suspended” status are not accepted online. This function can only be performed by your Cash Management Client Support Centre.

Transactions Rejected

The number of transactions destined to the United States that have been rejected. Those will be reported as “REJ XRB”.

Valid and “T” level error payments from your input file, if the “Cross Border Indicator” on your profile, for daily limit clients, is changed from Yes to No, these payments (Valid & “T” level error payments) are then revalidated and the status on these payments is then changed to “Reject”. Those payments cannot be sent to the United States. The total impact amount on the value date of these payments will be reflected on your Client Value Date Total report.

For Prefunding clients, the total impact amount (excluding “T” level errors) will be reflected as these payments are being refunded since the funding for these payments were already debited to your prefund control account upon receipt of your payments. Funds are being made available immediately to your prefund control account. This will also be reflected on your Client Settlement Totals Report.

Transactions Suspended

The number of suspended payments destined to the United States and to Canada originating from a foreign country that have been screened and are on hold until the investigation is completed. Those will be reported as “SUS”.

For daily limit clients, this total also includes the number of “Suspended in Excess Payments” reported as SUS EXC. Refer to the table above for the definition on “SUS EXC” payment.

The total amount of impact on the value date of those payments.

For daily limit clients, those suspended transactions are not included in your daily limit capacity.

For prefunding clients, the impact amount is zero as the funding for those suspended payments have already been debited to your prefund control account upon receipt.

Note: Payments with a “Suspended “status are only reported once on this report which is at the time the status is changed from “Valid” to “Suspended”.

Descriptions of other headings can be found in Report Heading Descriptions.