Payments Register

Use this report to reconcile the payments total to your input file. You can also reconcile the totals on this report, along with the totals for the applicable date on the Payments Activity Report, to equal the totals on the Client Value Date Totals or for Prefunding clients, to equal the totals on the Client Settlement Totals Report.

This optional report lists all valid payments and valid prenotes (ACH & STD Record Format only) received on your input file. Payments received from your input files exceeding the daily limit with a status of “I” In-Excess are not included in this report.


This report is produced at the time your input file is processed.

It can be picked up one day later via online reports or data transmission. Fax service is not available for this report.

Report Content

Information in the Payments Register Report is sorted by Value Date.

Descriptions of headings can be found in Report Heading Descriptions.

Customized Breaks in Customer Numbers

Based on your customer number, you can request to have subtotals by breaking up the customer number. The break is indicated by the position of the customer number.

There can be a maximum of 2 breaks or subtotals.

For example:

If customer/payer number is 1234567890ABCDEF

If your breaks are set at:

  • 01 to 03
  • 04 to 07

Break 1 covers all customer/payee numbers containing 123 and a subtotal of all transactions in that category will be provided.

Break 2 covers all customer/payee numbers containing 4567 and a subtotal of all transactions in that category will be provided.

Report Totals

Sub Total for Subsidiary XXXX for Value Date

total count and amount of payments for the value date

Total for Parent XXXX for Value Date

total count and amount of payments for the value date

Total for Parent XXXX for File No. XXXX

total count and amount of payments for the value date