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Learn from the Experts: Incorporating Scenario Planning into your Business Plan

Business Plan FAQs

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a document that explains to others your vision for your business, the gap in the market your business will fill and the steps you will take to succeed.

Why is a business plan important?

A business plan describes what your business does and outlines the opportunities you wish to capture. Writing your business plan can help build your confidence in how you will achieve success. A business plan can also:

  • Serve as a roadmap for your business
  • Answer and even create more questions
  • Zero in on the most effective way to build or grow your business
  • Reveal gaps or risks you need to address

Show potential investors, stakeholders or lenders that you’re serious.

How do I write a business plan?

A simple way to write a business plan is to use our business plan template (the RBC Business Plan Builder for new businesses or existing businesses.

You can also read more about how to create a business plan.

What is the executive summary in a business plan?

The executive summary is the first thing your reader will see in your business plan, after your cover page and table of contents. It should grab your reader’s attention, identify what your business does and include:

  • Your industry, target market and how your business is different from the competition
  • Your business structure (sole proprietorship, corporation, etc.)

  • What stage your business is in
  • Your experience and credentials, as well as your team’s, if applicable
  • Revenue projections for the business (or performance to date, if you’re already operating)

Tip: Write your executive summary last and keep it to one page. While it’s structurally the first section, it will summarize everything else in your plan.

What is in a business plan?

Your business plan should include the following:

Learn more about what to include in your business plan.

How long should a business plan be?

There is no length requirement for a business plan. It should cover essential information, be easy to skim, and also be as clear and concise as possible.

What is a business plan template?

A business plan template takes the guesswork out of writing your business plan by listing the ideal information to include. Create your own business plan for either a new business or existing business using the free template in the RBC Business Plan Builder.

Can I download the business plan template?

Yes, you can complete the business plan template in the RBC Business Plan Builder online and/or download it as a document for free at any time.

Does the business plan template work for small businesses?

Yes! The business plan template in the RBC Business Plan Builder is useful for businesses of any size. The information you provide will be specific to your unique business.

Do I have to create my business plan in one sitting?

No, you can download and save your business plan as a document at any time, so you don’t lose your work. That way, you can go at your own pace and take breaks or gather information as needed.