Managing Your Alerts

Add new Alerts or customize existing ones, so you only get the Alerts that you want to receive, when and how you want to receive them.

Bank Accounts

Stay on top of your account balance

Avoid overdraft fees by getting Alerts when you have a low balance. Low Balance Alerts are automatically pre-set to $100 (or approximate CAD equivalent). You can choose to customize this amount, or opt-out of this Alert at any time.

Know what’s going on with your money

Receive an Alert any time a large withdrawal or deposit is made from your account.

Credit Cards

Find Out When You’re Close to Your Limit

Avoid having your card declined or incurring service fees. Credit limit warning Alerts are pre-set to notify you when your available credit falls below $100. You can choose to customize this amount, or opt-out of this Alert at any time.

Never miss a payment

Set an Alert to notify you when your next credit card payment is coming due. It’s a great way to help you stay on top of your payments.

Feel secure and connected

Get informed when a large purchase is made on your credit card. It’s a great way to spot unfamiliar activity.

Confirmation of Payments

We can let you know any time a payment has been made so you can be reassured it was received.

Lines of Credit

Get Notified When You’re Close to Your Limit

Whether you have a Royal Credit Line or RBC Homeline Plan, you’ll be automatically notified when your available credit falls below $100. You can choose to customize this amount, or opt-out of this Alert at any time.

RBC Offers

Get Timely Offers

Find out when new offers are available and when they expire. Also get detail on cash back or bonus point account credits.

How to Set Up or Change Your Alerts

It’s easy to update your Alert settings through RBC Online Banking1 and the RBC Mobile1 app.

View Interactive Tutorial

Sign in now to access the Alert Centre to set up a new Alert or to update your preferences

Keeping You Safe with Credit Card Fraud Alerts

If you have an RBC Credit Card, you’ll automatically receive an SMS text message Alert from 722373 any time we notice a Credit Card transaction that looks out of the ordinary for you. You’ll be able to immediately confirm if you’ve made the transaction or not by responding directly to the message.

Be Cyber Aware

In today's digitally connected world, not everyone is who they claim to be. That’s why we’re committed to helping our clients learn how to protect themselves and their data.

Take 2 Minutes: SMShing

SMShing scams start with a text from an impersonator trying to get you to believe they’re someone they’re not. See how to stay safe – in two minutes or less.

Learn More about SMShing

How Cyber Criminals Make Contact

Whether by email, phone or social media, it’s important to know how cyber criminals attempt to access your personal and financial information.

Learn How to Identify Scams