Published December 8, 2023 • 2 Min Read
This episode of Go-To Grandma looks at wise, adventurous women. Host Kathy Buckworth first introduces best-selling author Gina Sorell to discuss her latest book “The Wise Women.” Through a series of plotlines, Sorell unveils complicated relationships between mothers and daughters in this highly acclaimed novel. She gives listeners the inside scoop about how she wrote and structured the book, how she keeps her cast of characters straight, and the role humour plays in her writing.
Next, Buckworth is joined by Andrea Mandel-Campbell, founder of Karibu Adventures. A new, mission-driven travel company, Karibu explores unique, wild places, sharing their beauty while helping to protect them. Mandel-Campbell walks listeners through the spectacular adventures they offer, how fit you really need to be to enjoy them and how these deep, grassroots experiences can help travellers discover new spaces and perspectives.

At the 18:25 mark, don’t miss Take 5 With RBC for the first of a two-part interview on elder financial abuse. Elaine Blades, Senior Manager for the Professional Practice Group at RBC Royal Trust shares what financial abuse is, discusses warning signs to watch out for and reveals the scary reality that somebody in the family usually does it. Blades shares tips on protecting yourself and your loved ones, namely through a continuing power of attorney — and how this legal document can offer protection when older Canadians are at their most vulnerable.
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