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SCREEN: CHAT — Go-To Grandma

By Diane Amato

Published December 13, 2023 • 2 Min Read

From screen time to chatbots to self-serve tools to help executors administer a Will, this episode of Go-To Grandma covers screen time, AI and self-service tools for executors.

First up, host Kathy Buckworth is joined by author Katherine Johnson Martinko, whose new book “Childhood Unplugged” gives practical advice to get kids off screens and find balance. Martinko chats about why she wrote the book and how to tailor screen time for different age groups. She shares the outcomes when screens are pared down to a minimum: well-rounded, imaginative and playful childhoods where curiosity and adventure have space to take shape.

Next, Mohit Rajhans joins the show to talk about Artificial Intelligence and how it has taken on so many functions in our daily lives. As Rajhans explains, AI is already helping the way we communicate, work, and connect, and it can even filter out cyber attacks. He addresses the fear around misuse but encourages listeners to embrace the benefits of chatbots and AI as a means of simplifying and enhancing day-to-day life.

Kathy Buckworth


At the 18:45 mark, Elaine Blades, Senior Manager, Professional Practice Group at RBC Royal Trust joins the Take 5 With RBC segment to bust some myths about being and appointing an executor. Blades shares that many people often underestimate what’s involved in terms of time and complexity – and while being named an executor is an honour, it’s one that comes with significant obligations. Typically, it takes about two years to settle an estate and involves a myriad of multiple tasks to complete. Blades offers advice on where to begin and how to seek assistance and shares the self-serve tools that can help executors understand the scope of their assignment.

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