Take Our Quiz To Find Out

Your money mindset affects your ability to save and invest with confidence. Find out how it influences the way you think about money, how much you can and should spend, and your attitude towards debt.

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    • Choose one:
    • Choose one:

You are a Spectacular Spender

No, that’s not sarcasm. It is indeed commendable to know how to enjoy your money in the moment, which is something that eludes nearly all financial worrywarts. Spenders tend to skew younger, without families to feed or mortgage payments to make, so you may just be getting started on your long-term financial plan. (No shade, everyone starts somewhere!) But do you ever find yourself thinking any of these self-sabotaging thoughts? “Investing is all too overwhelming,” or “I don’t have much saved so there’s no point in investing,” or the timeless classic “I’ve waited too long to start and now it’s too late!”?

As a Spectacular Spender, your challenge is getting over whatever thoughts are holding you back, and finding better balance between living well today and tucking a little something away for tomorrow. A great way to harness your gift for living in the moment? No matter how small, choose a single savings task and do it today. A few ideas: open a TFSA, set up automatic deposits to an RRSP, or make a call to a financial advisor and ask for help or… get inspired right here.

Download the Master Your Money Mindset guide below to learn how to harness your money mindset to supercharge your financial future.

You are an Advice Activist

Admitting you don’t know everything is an admirable trait. While you might occasionally lack “money confidence,” you know there are boundless resources available to help and you don’t mind using them. Or, perhaps better yet in your case, you feel no shame in outsourcing that stress entirely to someone else. Advice Activists tend to rely on experts, prefer a human over a bot any day, and constantly communicate with advisors. Advice Activists like you thrive not only on asking for advice, but on actually taking it. You do best by committing to a budget and doubling down with pre-authorized contributions to savings, RRSPs and/or other investing accounts, and enjoy nothing more than watching your money grow. And as someone who loves budgeting, you might boost your savings game with these tips and tricks.

Download the Master Your Money Mindset guide below to learn how to harness your money mindset to supercharge your financial future.

You are a Goal-Getter

Some people work better with an endgame in mind. That’s you, Goal-Getter, and the best way for you to get to the finish line is to run directly towards it. You know that time is on your side, and people like you are gifted with laser focus and the ability to ignore distractions along the way. You are a lone wolf of sorts, willing to do your own research by following business and finance news. You’ve also likely embraced the latest online tools and investment apps, which allow you to do your own thing in your own way. Your challenge, however, may be keeping your stamina up for the long haul. Here are some ideas to keep you going.

Download the Master Your Money Mindset guide below to learn how to harness your money mindset to supercharge your financial future.

You are an Intelligent Investor

No-nonsense investors like you value financial confidence over anything money can buy. As an Intelligent Investor, you’ve used credit wisely, paid off some student loans and are now thinking carefully about how to get your money working for you. Alongside your TFSA and RRSP are a mix of other holdings, including some shares you picked up after finally feeling savvy enough to invest on your own. But you know you don’t have to go it alone, so you might also use a digital advice platform. In fact, you consider it just another investment! We’ve got some great insights for you here.

Download the Master Your Money Mindset guide below to learn how to harness your money mindset to supercharge your financial future.